3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

first things first

It's time now to start thinking about communications for my trip and I've decided to post here on blogspot. :) Camille and I are really excited about the trip and thinking of all kinds of details and possibilities. We'll have to see how things go, but now that we have found each other, things can go forward. Camille is beautiful and I'm sure we'll be adding lots of her glamour shots to the page soon. :) She's fast and steady and oh, so light! It makes hill climbing much much easier!

Thanksgiving day was the four-month mark for our departure. That means that training is going to become much more intense over the remaining weeks. This first month is all about loooong slow rides to build up endurance. I'm not sure how to fit it in to my work schedule and where exactly we'll go, but we will definitely be doing many of these this month! Camille hates to go slowly, however, and I always find myself trying to catch up to the speed that she so obviously wants to run along at. Yesterday on our trip up to Redmond she took a whole 15 minutes off the usual hour to get up there. Wow! That's fast!

For both of us,

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