3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

tires and brakes

Due to the rather excessive number of flats that I've recently encountered, when my front tire went flat at midnight halfway home from work last Saturday, I decided enough was enough. When I got home and took a closer look at the tire, I found several pieces of glass and rock embedded in the tire as well as a rather large gash to the side. I had replaced the back tire the week before, but obviously the sides of the roads here are brimming with opportunities to puncture. So I took Camille to the bike shop yesterday and she got Armadillo tires which according to Mike are tested through fields of glass. Good stuff. Sounds just a bit like my daily commute! While changing out the tires, notice was made of poor Camille's brake pads...or lack thereof. In a mere two months the back brakes were completely worn out and wafer thin while the front brakes were about halfway worn through. With new brake pads, Camille can now stop on a dime. :) I've put almost 500 miles on her in two months. Not too bad, but not as much as I was hoping for. She's going in to the shop this weekend for a tune-up. Overdue, I think. She'll enjoy the TLC, though.

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