3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Friday, March 28, 2008

life as lived, with a dash of homesickness

I have to admit to some discouragement this week. I've been rained on, hailed on, and just got back from work at midnight tonight looking very much like my dear friend from Ranchita, CA, the Abominable Snowman. As I melted my way into the house, 8 days began looking awfully close. It's been a tough week in a lot of ways. For instance: yesterday began with a forgotten helmet, continued with a two hour walk to fetch bike from the shop and then retrieve said helmet...during which time the screws in my clipless pedal shoes came loose which meant that once bike and helmet were reunited, and the first stop sign was reached, the shoes refused to disengage from the bike pedals with cars stopped in front and coming up behind me. Yup. Not a very nice moment which resulted in a prompt return visit to the bike shop. Of course yesterday was the one day where I also forgot to carry my bike tool with me. When it rains, it just pours. 

Tonight, a girl was attacked just outside of our store. A brutal reminder that it doesn't matter where you are. 

On a brighter note, I had some spare time on Thursday in Redmond which I spent mostly at a Thai restaurant. It was SO nice to go in. It felt like I was home at last. It's been very strange the last few months not to constantly be hearing and speaking Thai, so it was with some relief that I chatted with the waitresses. That is, once they got over their initial surprise that a farang (white person) "poodt Thai diy" (can speak Thai). I had some raad-na (fried wide noodles in gravy) with nuua (beef) and paad pak (fried vegetables). For dessert, some cowneou ma'muang (sticky rice with mango). Sadly, the mango was well in advance of its prime, but the sticky rice was almost as good as home. Just a tad more coconut cream and some of the nutty topping would have put it equal. It was a challenge to try to decide which favorite dish to order. I miss Pe Udom's cooking unbearably sometimes. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep smiling, some days are like that!



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