view of "City of Bay Ocean", the coast's largest lost city

although the grey drizzle was persistent and unremitting, it gave the landscape a muted beauty of color

Cape Meares view-sea arches are home to the Common Murre bird

Fresnel-lensed lighthouse at Cape Meares...atop a REALLY steep hill! this lighthouse is the shortest on the coast

Cape Kiwanda-home to some fabulous ocean views

I couldn't believe there was a surfer in the water! It was cold!

all along the coast I passed these "entering" and "leaving tsunami hazard zone" signs...made me nervous!
Oregon coast

ocean view. I was fortunate enough to sight a few whale spouts along this famous whale watching area. the turnouts were filled with people sitting in their cars with binoculars, eyes out to sea.

view of Otter Rock, Devil's Punchbowl and Yaquina Point from high above on Cape Foulweather

close-up of volcanic activity remnants

Laisha visiting her cousins in Otter Rock...thanks for letting me get to know you and for saving me from the snow!

snow two days in a row and hail in Otter Rock...is this really mid-April? what was I thinking!?!
My cousin Dan's pottery shop is now home to a winery by the Devil's Punchbowl. A quick tour and tasting was quite enjoyable!

Muscovy ducks...the weirdest looking things - like a cross between a chicken and a duck. they make a pretty strange sound too!
Yaquina Head Lighthouse (second one...because they built the first one too far inland and the boats couldn't see the lights...whoops!)

Fishing Boats in Yaquina Bay Harbor, Newport...a beautiful blend of a working harbor and tourism. Check out the aquarium while you're there...the puffins are not to be missed!
amazing coastline and a beautiful weed (Scotch Broom)!

not to sound like a tourism agent, but did I mention the Oregon coast is fabulously beautiful?
cool photos. can't wait to see more.
Yay! Pictures! Beautiful!
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