lots of these little guys running around. helped to keep my mind off the swarming deer flies that just loved me!
amazing views of the park became evident as we trekked steadily higher.
stunning views of the park rose through the trees
water etches the rock walls...perhaps a waterfall when the snow melts in the spring
view of the valley
prickly pear cactus in bloom
looking back down at the first section of the climb, we turn upward into Refrigerator Canyon where it cools off quickly.
along the walls are strange rock formations that give me the creeps! it feels like faces are staring out from the walls as we pass by!
the towering slabs of rock continue to amaze in endless variety of hue and formation.
a quick peek over the edge shows the road and the Virgin River now far below. have I mentioned my fear of heights...?
we ascend to Scout's Lookout via Walter's Wiggles and are treated to more amazing views. only a half mile left to the top, but it's a doozy!
the wildlife doesn't mind the drop-offs, but scurries fearlessly about in search of a meal.
the last half mile is a narrow ledge complete with sheer drop-offs on either side - 1200 feet on one side and 800 on the other.
hang on to that chain...it's a long way down!
one of the trip's high points!
no longer peeking over the edge, but rather standing on it and clinging with both hands to the chain, the acrophobia wins out. down we go!
back down Walter's Wiggles, a series of 21 tight switchbacks that are close to vertical. absolutely amazing the amount of work it must have taken to build this and to haul the materials up the trail to this point!
view of the valley from high above on the Angel's Landing trail. it was a spectacular climb and I can't wait to go back and do it again...all the way!
Those are some beautiful pics. Thank you for sharing them.
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