3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Monday, April 21, 2008

random thoughts from the road

There's plenty of time to ponder as you bike down the road. Whether you're on a flat stretch, fighting the wind or chugging your way up a long climb, very random thoughts are endless. Whether it's counting bungee cords, collecting interesting road names or stopping to enjoy the view, life on the road is pretty simple. Today was a three bungee day, and my collection of peculiar road names currently includes the following:

Mild Curry Road
Bear Trap Blvd.
Four Sisters Road
Goodspeed Road
Bear View Lane
Shark Creek Lane
Monkey Hill Road

I find myself scorning towns with road names that are simply mundane or follow obvious patterns such as all fruit trees, states or minerals. Centralia, WA was one such town. I am bored when I see the ever-present "Fir, Oak and Pine Streets" and view with mild horror those roads with the name "Hill" present.

Tunnels and bridges, though pleasant to look at are never enjoyable to cross. Chipseal roads though rough, are better than loose gravel or sand. Falling rocks, steep cliffs and tsunami zones tend to put me on edge but all are preferable to riding on a road without a shoulder. I will never tire of the view and sound of the ocean crashing on the shore. I am learning to be street-savvy and finding unique solutions to the problems of the day is a pleasant art. The hills I take one pedal-stroke at a time and always reach the top eventually. I find humor in the little things along the way, and persevere in keeping my passion though the road may be long. God is my strength and my song.

-from Waldport, OR

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your words are beautifully poetic Laisha, keep those random thoughts coming. What a neat project to record the names of interesting road names. Can't wait to ride the Oregon coast myself.



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