3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Twanoh SP to Porter, WA - 59 miles

An early start today and found some big climbs right off. Glad I didn't try to get further yesterday...those hills would have finished me right off! It was 39 degrees in the morning but I warmed up on the hills around Mason Lake quickly enough! I spotted a lot of moto-cross cyclists gearing up to race through the mountainous terrain. Gorgeous, gorgeous views of the Olympic mountains in the distance and lakes close by. Played tag with the rural mail jeep and won... It's really lovely to lazily cycle through these back roads through giant swathes of timber. Lots of logging going on here. Cloquallam Road was a great ride and the sun was shining! For the first time I got down to my short-sleeve jersey, shorts and no socks! It was about 89 degrees in the afternoon...sunburn! I'm going to have the weirdest looking tan when I'm through with this! I rode into Elma and met Ken mowing his yard. We had a great conversation out in the middle of the road and I really enjoyed hearing his story! Onto the tiny town of Porter where I camped behind a grocery-deli about 20 yards off of Highway 12! I met the most fascinating Korean lady who made me an amazing dinner of chow mein and sweet and sour pork with a molassas-blackberry sauce. I hadn't really eaten since breakfast, so I put an incredible amount of food away! I laid down in my tent and wondered if I should put earplugs in since I was so close to the highway and that was the last thought I had until I woke the next morning!

-from Castle Rock.

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