3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Friday, April 11, 2008

Kitsap Memorial SP to Twanoh SP, WA - 46 miles

It was so late last night when I arrived, that I never had dinner, so I was starved when I got up. It was pretty cold again, so I had a more leisurely start and left about 10am. Slow going at first while my muscles ached and protested, but they warmed up and I picked up the pace. On the way to Bremerton, the road was closed (apparently the bridge was out) and so I had to navigate by general direction. I was stopped at an intersection, trying to decide whether to go straight or turn right, when Brian and Pete cycled past and asked if I was lost. They kindly took me a shorter but also very hilly route around Bremerton and patiently waited as I huffed and puffed my way up the hills behind them! :) Once back on track, I enjoyed some very welcome sunshine and warmed up. While at a stop in Belfair for some hot food, an older gentleman informed me that I looked like I'd been through a blender. I'm not sure what that was about, but was amused nevertheless. I've been finding water at interesting places...mostly city parks. A short ride today and a nice stop at Twanoh SP. A shower...finally! But only 3 minutes. I've gotten so that I can shower and do laundry in under 3 minutes. It's a miracle! :)


Anonymous said...

That was nice of them. and 3 min laundry? thats impressive! Adryenne

Anonymous said...

It was a great pleasure making your acquaintance as you passed by my home in Elma. I am looking forward to traveling with you (in spirit) as your adventure unfolds. You will certainly be in my thoughts.
Take care - - Ken Thiel - -



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