3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Waldport to Honeyman SP, OR - 40.8 miles

I got off early this morning in hopes of having plenty of time to enjoy the dunes. Rain. Lots of it today. The Devil's Churn was a fun stop and I met John, who runs a free bike program in Waldport. Lots of hills here and my last tunnel. Because I'm so early in the year, I haven't had to fight so much of the tourist traffic through these tougher bits like the tunnels and bridges. The tunnels are pretty interesting though. When you get to them, you have to press a button that activates lights to let traffic know that there is a cyclist in the tunnel. Lights on, you wait for a break in the traffic and then pedal as fast as you can, stopping to collapse at the rest point on the other end. I stopped at the Darlingtonia site where they have hundreds of pitcher plants...creepy! Another bridge into Florence through the pouring rain. As I rode through town, I got an encouraging "Keep Going!" and a thumbs up from a man on the sidewalk. Sure needed some cheer after all this depressing weather. I finally arrived at the Jessie M. Honeyman State Park and forced myself to trek through the dunes. There wasn't much to see in the rain, but I could tell that it would have been pretty incredible with some sunshine!

-from Gold Beach, OR

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