3000 miles, 71 days
Canada to Mexico to Utah by bicycle

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Porter to Toledo, WA - 58.5 miles

It was 56 degrees when I woke up this morning! It's a lot easier to get up and moving when it's warmer. I had Chinese leftovers for breakfast and found new stiff and aching muscles. They're getting stronger! The ride to Centralia was blissfully flat and very rural. Lots of animal sightings: horses, shetland ponies, cows, buffalo and sheep. Tiny baby ones too...so cute! I've definitely decided that chipseal roads are not my favorite. The constant vibrations really do a number on the nerves in my hands. A lot of loose dogs chased me today...one of those things that takes me right back to some truly scary childhood memories. I contemplated the pepper spray a few times though! The road became very hilly again right after Centralia. Centralia Alpha Road was pretty brutal, but the 16% grade going down was a blast! At one point, I passed the "Denture Cup Inn- Adult Family Hotel" and noticed with some amusement that there was a vacancy... :) Rode to the Lewis and Clark SP and was hoping to camp there for the night, but it was pretty much closed down due to a construction project. Onward to Toledo, where I ended up camping right next to the playground in a public park! It started raining right after I put up the tent and continued most of the night. Knees are hurting pretty badly tonight, but tomorrow should be an easier day.

-from Castle Rock, WA.


mickcarter007 said...

I'll say it again...
I think you're crazy but I'm still jealous. Nothing new at B&N. Good luck.

Monica said...

I agree with michael. You're a wild woman and I hope your knees feel better!

Maria said...

Go Laisha go!! You're awesome and can't wait to read more!



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